Pepe Gorras

GENRE: Comedy / Family
STARRING: Allen Camacho, Alez Godineaux, Carlos García, Billie Jay Lugo, Yadier Quiñones, Evan Rivera
DIRECTOR: Marialejandra Martínez García de Quevedo
WRITER(S): María García de Quevedo
MOVIE SYNOPSIS: Pepe Gorras, like everyone in his class, is afraid of “El Orejotas”, a boy with a difficult character who vents his anger on the rest of the class. One day, Pepe and his friends find out that, like “Orejotas”, they are on the verge of failing in Science Class, and that their only salvation is to participate in the School Science Fair. At the end, Pepe and Orejotas, who ends up showing his “friendly side", set up the skeleton of a dog found dead in the undergrowth. With this, they win the School Fair, the Town Science Fair and a great friendship.

Please note our showtimes are updated weekly and become available every Thursday.

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